I thought this site was boring for a while
i am on prescription drugs
Joined on 6/28/08
young lady... maybe this should be told by your shrink, but I guess it doesn't really matter if I tell you because nobody even likes you exept you 5 inch short ugly ass animalpornwatching retardic friend Theodor. And I know that when you read this
you will try to come up with some crappy diss that nobody understands but you and some 34 yearold geeks that comepletley wasted their lives at wanking infront of animated animals and other disgusting stuff, just like you.
What I'm trying to say here is:
Nobody gives a crap about you or your 8-bit songs or wtf it is, and NOBODY gives a crap what you have been thinking of this fucking site.
Maybe Theodor, but nobody gives a crap about him cuz you can't see him without a focking microscope.
Good day.
better not say that out loud ;)
I just did?